The Solitary Writer

Journeying through solitude, crafting one blog post at a time, in silence.

Kick IT….

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“When life throws lemons, make lemonade out of it”

Better said than done. It is easy to pat someone’s shoulder and say “Hey bud… its gonna be alright …. Life’s like that”. Its terrible when you put yourself in their shoes and experience what they are actually undergoing through.

When things go wrong all you get to hear is dozens of laws and quotes and free advices from people around you. Here are few of them:

  1. Murphy’s Law
  2. The Universal code for happiness “Everything’s gonna be okay.”
  3. You are strong…. You are not supposed to break like this.
  4. You experienced this… and  I have experienced even worse than this.
  5. Get out of your home and travel round the world.

Can you even imagine how much of all the above lil attempts to make someone happy actually makes them more sad… maybe more depressed too… who knows!!!

Today’s blog is all about how you can self heal yourself and not get victimized for your depressed moments from moronic people.

  1. To err is human: Mistakes do happen from humans only. But the best part is Mistakes always help us learn new lessons in life. They teach us what years of schooling or hours of self help seminars fail to impart. So when you fail… don’t fret. Instead allow yourself to digest the situation and most importantly learn to accept it. More….


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